Vueling ADMs policy

In accordance with Resolution 850m by IATA, we would like to inform you about the ADM (Agent Debit Memo) issuance policy that is being applied by Vueling Airlines (VY-030) with the aim of complying with the company’s guidelines for ticket issuance, refunds and best practices.

1. Reasons for raising ADMs 

1.1. Issuance

Here are the most common reasons for raising ADMs to ensure our fare structure is been correctly applied:

  • Errors when loading fares or fees manually:

An ADM will be raised when the amount issued for fares and/or fees is lower than the amount established by fare rules.

  • Errors in the commission applied: 

An ADM will be raised if the wrong commission is applied or if it is higher than the established amount.

  • Non-commissionable penalty:

An ADM will be raised if commission is applied to the corresponding penalty according to fare rules.

  • Errors in the amount of “Issued in Exchange for” entries (fare or penalty):

An ADM will be raised for not applying upgrading or penalty in reissues (in Exchange).

  • Type of wrong booking:

An ADM will be raised when there is an incorrect relation between class and fare (e.g. class M / farebasis POWVY).

  • Expenses not applied:

An ADM will be raised when there are penalties that are not charged in the initial ticket, or, if they have been charged via EMD, if there is no link between both documents when it was issued.

  • Bookings not charged due to of WebLink incidents:

An ADM will be raised for charging problems with bookings made via the WebLink system with BSP-CASH payment method.

  • Delays because of bank debts:

An ADM will be raised for no payment via credit card.

1.2. Reimbursement

The fact that the system allows automatic refunds via GDS does not imply acceptance by Vueling. These will be audited within the established time frames.

  • Non-refundable fare/flight:

An ADM will be raised if the fare conditions are not applied in the reimbursement carried out via GDS.

  • Non-refundable surcharge:

An ADM will be raised for the reimbursement of fuel surcharge (YQ) and/or the connection fee (YR).


An ADM for the value of the Fare, YQ and YR taxes will be raised when a ticket is VOID but flight segments have not been cancelled before departure.

1.4. Malpractice

Here is a list of causes for raising ADMs when Vueling’s guidelines are not complied with:

  • Excessive churning:

An ADM will be raised after the fourth cancellation of the segment for the same passenger within the same PNR or across different PNRs.

  • Inactive bookings or non-productive segments:

An ADM will be raised when the segment remains in UN/NO/UC/US/XK/ AK/AL/AN/ BK/BL/BN/DS/GK/GL/GN/PK/PU/PL/YK/ZK status.

  • Duplicate bookings:

An ADM will be raised when the same passenger has another active segment with the same origin-destination for the same flight date.

If these guidelines are not complied with, there will be a penalty of €5 per segment and passenger.

1.5. Passive Segments

An ADM will be raised for the value of €5 for each passenger and Passive Segment if Vueling incurs a charge from the GDS.

 2 Issuance and Dispute

ADMs will be issued via BSPlink and can only be disputed the same way for 15 days, even if the ADM has not been billed, from the date it was loaded. And even if it has been billed, the agency can dispute any transaction issued in the last 12 months via “Post Billing dispute”.

In the event of disagreement, it is essential to provide the documents related to the case through BSPlink (VY commercial team authorisation, EMD, any proof supporting any incident related to the flight, etc.).

Once a dispute has been recorded in BSPlink, it must be settled between the travel agency and the airline involved within 30 days. A maximum of two messages can be exchanged per party (once these messages have been used up they can continue to communicate outside BSP). If the issue is not resolved in 30 days, the ADM will be removed from BSPlink and the dispute will be marked as “No Agreement reached – to Agent” and a credit note will be issued to the agency.

3.  Response Dispute Period

Once the dispute is settled via the BSPlink, Vueling will reply within 20 days.

4.  Language of ADMs

The language used in the settlement of an ADM will be English and Spanish.

5.  Administrative Fee due to ADMs issuance

In order to cover ADMs administration costs, €20 fee (or the equivalent in local currency) will be charged for each issued ADM. In the case of malpractice, the fee will be charged per booking/PNR. For issuances or reimbursements, the fee will be charged per ticket linked to the ADM if the amount is equal to or larger than €10.

6.  Contact

Contact information for ADM/ACM questions and issues is:

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